Werbel Microwave continues to develop excellent products for cellular, WiFi, internet of things, and many more wireless applications. Offered in a standard housing measuring 5.8 x 2.0 x 0.8 inches. MADE IN U.S.A.
Figure 1. Coupling Response. Useable to 500-MHz with 0.5 dB roll-off, still within 6 +/- 1 dB tolerance range.
Figure 2. Directionality measurement. Obtained from subtracting the Coupling response (in memory) from the isolation (connected in reverse). As you can see from the plot, excellence is a standard feature of Werbel Microwave products.
Figure 3. Insertion Loss. Includes splitting loss due to coupling effect. Insertion loss by material alone is approximately 0.6 dB at the highest frequency point.
Figure 4. Return Loss of the input main line.
Figure 5. Return Loss of the output main line.
Figure 6. Return Loss of the Coupled Port.